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About Nick

I currently serve the members of Norfolk Southern as General Chairman in Atlanta. I’m seeking to be elected as Vice President South. I have over 18 years of railroad experience including: Freight Conductor, Train Dispatcher, Assistant Chief Dispatcher, Local Chairman, General Chairman, and Data Analyst. I joined the ATDA in 2006 and served as Local Chairman for over 2 years in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (2009-2011). My background before the railroad was in marketing and web development. When I was first elected as Local Chairman I envisioned a union website that empowered members with information and resources. I registered the domain and immediately offered it for sale to the National Organization at cost. Two years later they bought it from me, but the website itself still offers little or no value to its members. I enjoy many aspects of union leadership and have proven to be credible at handling the aspects of each role that I've assumed. My technical skills and experience augment my traditional skills like writing, relationship building, negotiating, and analysis. I believe I can help open up new possibilities for our Organization and help it run more effectively and more efficiently while adding value to the system committees and a better presence to the members.


I am committed to maintaining integrity in all things. I mean what I say. I say what I mean. And I do what I say.

Problem Solver

I pride myself on being able to get things done and accomplishing things that others dismiss as too hard.


When somebody needs help, I make it a priority to get back to them as quickly as possible with an accurate answer.

Read my letter

My Vision

I fully intend to support the properties assigned to me as Vice President in all the traditional ways. My unusual skills, bold vision, and record of accomplishment sets me apart as a candidate for Vice President providing an opportunity to improve the Organization for all properties as well as market us better to properties that are still unorganized. I will push for better support of the System Committees by providing resources and tools to engage with their members as I have done at Norfolk Southern. Member engagement deserves priority on the Executive Board alongside legislation, arbitration, lobbying, and organizing—responsibilities VPs already have. With my help, the ATDA can achieve better and more timely training at significantly reduced costs.

SMS blast messages

National should provide the System Committees with a system to blast out SMS/text messages.

Mass email messages

National should provide all System Committees with a system to send bulk email to those interested.

Member Self-Serve Updates

Members should be able to update their own contact information and name changes directly without relying on elected officers.


Elected committee members should be able to access training when they're ready. This would also allow incoming leaders elected in the middle of a term to be brought up to speed more quickly. It also would allow for people who have had training to refresh themselves on demand. More training. Less cost.

Member Education

An informed membership is essential to a strong union. The existing void in member education creates misunderstanding which can spread to others. Providing a platform to publish and explain what's true will help create solidarity.

Candidate Education

Sometimes union elections become popularity contests without regard for the skills needed to be effective. By educating the members and would-be candidates about the roles and responsibilities of elected positions we can create stronger committees who offer the skills their committee needs.

My Record

As General Chairman at Norfolk Southern, I inherited a committee that was unorganized. Many time claims had been lost to time limits, the status of many claims was unknown, and discipline cases from the previous General Chairman (the GC before the one I followed) were still waiting to be progressed to National. I cleaned up that mess in relatively short order with the tremendous help of my system committee along with Ed Dowell and Paul Arden. While catching up and cleaning up, I developed and launched a members-only website tailored to the needs of our committee. It provides a central place for members to get information, file time claims, track those claims, download contracts, and explore an up-to-date roster showing current job assignments. Any future General Chairman can also send SMS messages and mass emails, post announcements, conduct opinion polls and surveys, and share officer activity for transparency into system funds. These are all features that have been implemented since the site launched in April and while I've had minimal time to work on it. I prioritize the traditional work of General Chairman, but I've essentially accomplished everything I've done on a very part-time basis. Imagine how much more we can accomplish if you elect me as Vice President and I can work full time in support of the Organization. I appreciate your contributions and participation representing our members and shaping our future. Thank you again for learning a little about me. I look forward to meeting you soon!

If you skipped over the video, please go back and watch it.


The members I represent routinely express their gratitude for the work I've done as General Chairman directly in person. Some of them have written to tell me (and later consented for me to share that here).

John Peachey wrote: On Tue, Mar 28, 2023 after launching the website This is the 1st time in 24 years that a local* chairman has sent something like this. I'm speechless. If we had this kind of representation over the last 20 years where would we be. Long way to go but getting people that might give a shit into the places where shits need given is a start. Thank u Nic for given a shit. Actually something they may benefit the members. Thanks again

Feel free to post that wherever. Thanks. Appreciate it

* I was actually General Chairman
Trey Bruns wrote: On Mar 1, 2023, after a member meeting Shout out to our local union reps. Enjoyed the meeting and the website preview looks real good. TTD in the house!!!
Art Zima wrote: On Aug 21, 2023 Good afternoon brother!

I finally got to register on your website. It is great!
Bill Rabara wrote: On Jul 19, 2023 Thanks Nick. You're doing an amazing job.


If you are attending the General Assembly as a delegate, I'd love if you would provide me with your contact information by texting, emailing, or using the form below.


Atlanta, GA

Working Hours
(cannot take calls)

Tue-Sat 6:00 AM to 2:15PM